11 and 12 March 2014

New Forms of Life

Signs of Life

Österreichische Erstaufführung

“Dear friends, if I haven‘t seen you for a while it is because I have been working with my colleagues on methods to travel through time and space. By focusing our concentration together we were able to access a world other than our own. But this other world is not the utopia we expected. Instead, we have gained access to a secret place, in which many dark, menacing things are hidden. What we discovered has the possibility to transform life completely. We have tried to communicate it through official channels, but we find it increasingly difficult to share our discovery with people. There are forces in the world that suppress our voices, and people who fear what we might do with them. We have had to go underground, holding meetings in secret. It is to such a meeting that I would like to invite you.
Yours sincerely, New Forms of Life”

New Forms of Life traverses the boundaries between time and space, meeting and performance, reality and utopia. After a series of experiments the group has discovered a new world that they now want to share with the audience.
Signs of Life is a space of encounter where complex and ambiguous spaces between the experienced and the familiar are located. The participatory meeting format questions what can be shared within a community and how knowledge and experience can be transmitted in a theatre space.

Concerned with the production of alternative narratives through the use of science fiction and weird fiction, New Forms of Life explores a new poetics of understanding and the possibility of “psychic solidarity”. New Forms of Life is a cooperative working on mapping and traversing the political, ethical and aesthetic landscapes of today’s world.

By Billy Bultheel, Enad Marouf, Franziska Aigner, Samuel Forsythe, Daniel Jenatsch, Tilman O’Donnell
Billy Bultheel, Enad Marouf, Franziska Aigner, Samuel Forsyth

A production of New Forms of Life, imagetanz/brut Wien and Tanzlabor_21/ Mousonturm.
With the kind support of Plateau/Nadine, Brussels.

Individual ticket
€ 14 Full price
€ 8 reduced
€ 6 with the brutkarte*

Day ticket imagetanz
€ 16/€ 10/€ 8*

Festival pass imagetanz
€ 56/€ 34/€ 25*

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