united sorry & Theater im Bahnhof
No, Nothing

Theater im Bahnhof from Graz and united sorry from Vienna start a band together called “Die Liebe, ihr Tod und sein Lebensberater” (“Love, Her Death and His Life Coach”). In their new collaboration the two performance groups venture on the most difficult issue in life: death. While examining the uncertainty of happiness in life and the fragility of their own health, this performance avoids every kind of sinister feeling because the artists embrace this “danse macabre” with wild lust for life. Supported by Norbert Wally – who is the lead singer of the band The Base – the newly formed group constructs sound spheres consisting of songs, but is also in love with silence. They sing about love and life and they sigh to what comes afterwards. They know that sunshine is followed by rain. When you say yes to love, you have to welcome death as well. united sorry and Theater im Bahnhof defy all fears and desires in connection with death with a twinkle in their eyes, celebrating life in all its beauty and joy. For the end of a concert must be just as glamorous as its beginning! www.unitedsorry.com; www.theater-im-bahnhof.com
Performance Gabriela Hiti (Theater im Bahnhof), Norbert Wally (The Base), Frans Poelstra (united sorry) Directed by Robert Steijn (united sorry) Styling Johanna Hierzegger, Anke Philipp Light design Sabine Wiesenbauer
Secret Ingredients
13 December, 4 pm | brutstätte Zieglergasse 25
united sorry (Vienna)
Master Class (teaching show)
Having reached a certain age and acquired numerous experiences, discoveries and insights, it is now time for united sorry to have a try at a master class. A few of their valued colleagues will assume the role of students. In a performative impromptu teaching session, united sorry ask themselves and their pupils what contemporary theatre is able to tell and give us today, thereby mincing the whole concept of master classes through the meat grinder. Do not miss this lesson! Admission free!
Created by Robert Steijn & Frans Poelstra Featuring Amanda Pina, Christine Gaigg, Thomas Kasebacher, Paul Wenninger and others
A co-production of brut Wien, united sorry and Theater im Bahnhof. Kindly supported by Theaterfeste der Regionen 2014 and the City of Vienna’s Cultural Department.
€ 14,- full price
€ 8,- reduced
€ 6,- with the brutkarte*