ABGESAGT - Superamas
It’s a date #3! Philippe meets Miet Warlop
+++ Due to health issues Miet Warlop unfortunately cannot take part in the event. Because of that the third issue of It's a date had to be cancelled +++
In the third part of Superamas’ performance series It’s a date!, Belgian artist Miet Warlop enters the brut stage, a crosser of boundaries between performance and visual arts. Considering that she is the femme fatale of saccharine cruelty, disasters and mishaps of all kind, this encounter promises to be one of a kind! Together with Philippe of Superamas, Miet Warlop enters the fray with prepared made-up dialogues. Instead of speaking to each other directly, the two of them get mixed up in comically absurd fantasy conversations using question and answer cards, amazing the other with performative surprise stunts.
It’s a date! is governed by the desire to find out what the dialogue partners probably think of each other. www.superamas.com; www.mietwarlop.com
Featuring Philippe/Superamas and Miet Warlop
A co-production of Superamas and brut Wien. Kindly supported by the City of Vienna’s Cultural Department.
€ 14,- full price
€ 8,- reduced
€ 6,- with the brutkarte*