Chris Kondek & Christiane Kühl
Anonymous P.

“This is absolutely overkill – but it aptly displays the tsunami-type of attack launched on our privacy.” Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Your phone knows where you are, Google knows what you think, Facebook knows who you are and PRISM knows everything. Anonymous P. – part performance, part installation – intertwines the practices of intelligence agencies and their association with commercial companies, as well as our willingness to share our very intimate information online, with the greatest fiction of our time: privacy. A team of performers and hackers makes the digital footprint each of us leaves through our smartphones tangible live and lifts our handling of digital media onto a new level. New times require new heroes in the face of total transparency. Where Prometheus once stole the fire from the gods and gave it to the people to make them independent of the gods, Anonymous P. now steals data from the ruling class. His gift to us can only be one thing: the possibility to disappear. Anonymity. Darkness is the new light. The field of work of video artist Christ Kondek and journalist and editor Christiane Kühl includes the virtualisation of spaces of action. Chris Kondek most recently appeared at brut with his piece Even the Dead are not Safe from the Living and the lecture performance Cash for Trash.
A project by Chris Kondek & Christiane Kühl Created by and featuring Phil Hayes, Chris Kondek, Christiane Kühl Programming and performance Nathan Andrew Fain, Stage and costume design Sonja Füsti Music Hannes Strobl Video Matthias Gubler [bildstörung] Light Ursula Degen, Mark Zeuske Assistant director Julia Znoj
A production by Chris Kondek & Christiane Kühl in co-production with the Zurich Festival, Gessnerallee Zurich, Ringlokschuppen Mülheim a. d. R., Künstlerhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt a. M., Darmstadt State Theatre. Supported by the City of Zurich’s Department of Cultural Affairs. Anonymous P. is presented as part of the project House on Fire supported by the Cultural Programme of the European Union. Kindly supported by Pro Helvetia, Schweizer Kulturstiftung.
Chris Kondek & Christiane Kühl - Anonymous P. (Trailer) from brut Wien on Vimeo.
Secret Ingredients
20 February, following Anonymous P. | brut im Künstlerhaus
Metadata, Surveillance, Social Sorting: Welcome to the Heart of the Light (talk)
Immediately following Friday’s performance, web activist, game developer and artist Wolfie Christl joins the team of Anonymous P. to discuss topics like online tracking and profiling, which have already played a key role in the performance itself. Christl, a devoted advocate of a critical web culture, is the author of a study entitled Kommerzielle digitale Überwachung im Alltag (Commercial Digital Surveillance in Everyday Life) published this November by the research institute Cracked Labs in Vienna. Admission free!
Featuring Wolfie Christl, Chris Kondek, Christiane Kühl and the Anonymous P. team
Metadata, Surveillance, Social Sorting: Welcome to the Heart of the Light is part of the series Secret Ingredients: In its last season before the new artistic team takes over, brut launches the one-year series in addition to co-productions and guest performances. Local and international artists who have continuously collaborated with brut during the past years give insight into their artistic work process and methods. More Information
€ 14,- full price
€ 8,- reduced
€ 6,- with the brutkarte*