15 Jahre klingt.org
15 years – that’s quite an aeon for an online platform, and still klingt.org has shown no signs of age. In a show full of music, performance, DJs and party, klingt.org yet again initiates the new year at brut. In this anniversary show, all the musical stops are pulled out from subcontrabass to high-pitched falsetto. Electronic music meets analogue music, rough percussion rhythms follow finely balanced sound textures, and in the end, as always, the DJs bring out the dance music. 15 years of better colours, 15 years of fringe and mainstream, 15 years of loudness and quietude. A superbly dense night of experiments, twists and amusement. http://15jahre.klingt.org
Live Männer mit Bärten (Silvia Faessler, Billy Roisz, Lisa Kortschak, Noid, Lisbeth Kovacic, Oliver Stotz, Sabine Marte), I WANNA BOOGIE WITH YOU (Alex an der Haas, Stefan Geissler, Ronald von den Sternen), Angelica Castello, Ease (Noid, Klaus Filip), Tankris (Chris Janka, Lisa Kortschak, Romeo Bissuti, Gregor Mahnert), Taft Vegas (Alfred Grubbauer, Edgar Friedl, Wolfgang Fuchs), Kmet, Breuer/Tronstoner (Bernhard Breuer, Ralf Traunsteiner), klingt.org DJs
€ 8,- at the door
€ 6,- pre-sale and with the brutkarte*
Pre-sale online (plus booking fee) and at WienExtra Jugendinfo