17 and 18 February 2012

Doris Uhlich


“Doris Uhlich’s fabulous piece Uhlich.” Der Standard

Who will I be thirty years from now, what will I dance, and what will I think? In Uhlich, Doris Uhlich skips over thirty years of her life in a piece that narrates the future. It’s a solo Doris Uhlich will perform herself in thirty years. Today, it is her mother, Gertraud Uhlich, who represents her on stage, playing Doris Uhlich in 2042. Every moment is ambiguous: the daughter’s prediction is the mother’s present. The mother shows her daughter which direction her body is moving. Along with the physical projection into the future, Doris Uhlich also uses philosophical texts that are as unknown to her mother as the future is unknown to her. How foreseeable, how predictable is the future, and what motivation is there to survive the present in order to reach the future?

Choreography Doris Uhlich Performance Gertraud Uhlich Project team Andrea Salzmann, Yoshie Maruoka, Armin Anders, Judith Staudinger
Lighting Monika Gruber Production Marlies Pillhofer, Christine Sbaschnigg

A production by Doris Uhlich/insert Theaterverein in co-production with the Wiener Festwochen. Thanks to the Tanzquartier Vienna. With support of the City of Vienna’s Department of Cultural Affairs.

€ 14/8/6 with brutkarte*

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