29 and 30 April 2014

Die Rabtaldirndln


The Rabtaldirndln are completely sick of the countryside. They’ve canned enough preserves, they did everything themselves, and yet they never were able to make ends meet. They’re done. From now on, others can jar and can goods for them. The Styrian theatre combine is fanning out in April in trick-or-treat fashion to collect products for their enterprise from Viennese households. It will work like this: they collect preserves and pickles, bring them together in a corporate identity, create a brand, increase the value, sell everything for very high prices, and the profits will be returned to the producers minus a small fee. The Rabtaldirndln consider it fair.

The bustling merchants will be presenting the evidence of suffering and the exploits of their collection action at their own market stand at the Karmelitermarkt. Interested parties can find out about the innovative business model there on 26 April from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and look over labourer Bodo Hell’s shoulder as he makes preserves. Ultimately the brut stage will become a “general assembly” for the EINKOCHEN company during which even the hold-out sceptics will be won over. If only half of Vienna’s residents invest half of their available preserves and pickles into the Rabtaldirndln’s idea great things will be achieved and much will be changed. And brut is contributing as well by collecting your preserves and pickles during office hours at brut im Künstlerhaus from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. So pull out those mason jars!

Those who cannot get enough of the Rabtaldirndln’s rustic charm can attend their PICKNICK MIT ERSCHEINUNG on 1 May at 3:00 p.m. More information in April on

By and with Die Rabtaldirndln and Bodo Hell Dramaturgy Georg Klüver-Pfandtner

A co-production of the Rabtaldirndln and the Festival of the Regions 2013.

€ 14 Full price
€ 8 reduced
€ 6 with the brutkarte*

Combined ticket EINKOCHEN and SunBengSitting
€ 16/10/8

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