19 to 21 April 2012

Die Rabtaldirndln

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After 20 years of work together it was high time for the Rabtaldirndln to write their biography, Moving Mountains. The book does exist, but in view of charges of massive plagiarism it could not be printed. And anyhow, the Rabtaldirndln oeuvre is far too overwhelming to really be (mis)taken for real life. A biography that wants to move mountains must seem megalomaniac because the idea of a fulfilled life is greater than the time you have to live it. Therefore the stories, chapters of life, and anecdotes needn’t be true. The timetable, photos, and tales of crises and successes create an evening about a collective of women who would really like to be more than they are. Fiddling, cheating, stealing, thieving, copy & paste: Moving Mountains is a provincial, pretentious appropriation of other people’s life stories. No boundary remains standing in the process. Other people’s songs, texts, awards – all of this can be found in the Rabtaldirndln’s biography this evening. Nothing has needed to be invented for a long time – everything has always been there.

By and with Die Rabtaldirndln (Rosi Degen, Bea Dermond, Barbara Carli, Gudrun Maier, Gerda Strobl) Guest Felix Klengel Director Monika Klengel

A co-production by Die Rabtaldirndln and brut Wien in co-operation with the Pathos Theater Munich and Südpol, Lucerne.

€ 14/€ 8/€ 6 with brutkarte*

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